Fashion Shoot Styling with la gamba rossa and Tiny Bogaerts


With Hutta, I will make your parties, events, booth, shooting or Immo-styling personal and unique again. Our expertise lies in crafting bespoke concepts that seamlessly intertwine with your story. As creative setting stylists, I stand firm in my belief that style should adapt to the client, not the other way around. 

Each concept I create is a reflection of your personality, your journey, and your aspirations. Sometimes people tend to call me a little bit crazy at first, but end up so happy about their unique setting, that nobody else would fit. 

You are about to design your booth for a special fair but you want to make it super unique and warm? We already helped several companies in styling there events and fair-booths with lighting and decoration.

Sparkle it up

Events & Parties

Memorable moment

You want to organize a unique dinner with your friends and family and you want to make it super unique and personal, without having to clean it al afterwards? With Hutta we will rent and style your party to make it memorable, unique and exactly to your image.


Wedding Darline & Pieter

We work with amazing creatives
for a total concept.

First of all we organize a meeting where we listen to your story, who you are and what you want to communicate through that event. With all that information we define a styling and program that suits you best. Ultra personal and communication the feelings you want to give to your guests. We will create sketches combined with some pictures to give you the best idea of the final styling.

In addition to that we will lead you to the whole party process with food, balloons, tents and eventually other needs.

For your great memories we can suggest you the greatest photographers, kids animations, a photo-booth and much more.

You want a quick idea of the costs and maybe a first free open discussion? Your are welcome to contact us.

Clara & Jonas 1

Immo Styling

Immo Styling

The goal of real estate styling is to present the home in such a way that a potential buyer will fall for your home like a log. 

By applying real estate styling to a home, a buyer can see themselves living in the home faster. Your home will be sold 3 times faster!

Hutta will rent the needed furniture and objects for a perfect styling and home setting. 
