

The story of this little Village house is so warm that we were very quickly sold to it. It would not be to difficult to make it our little Kakelbont House. Full of joy colors and stories.

Every room was analyzed for its lights, sunlights and use to define the colors.
The colour palette was also based on how we experienced each colour. And the relation between all colors was also super important. Objects, furniture and decorations were placed in a way they are used in that particular season. But each piece moves with each season. This si that we can enjoy the angles of the home and rayons of the sun in various ways.

Our Home

All the lightings where selected carefully to create various athomspheres in each room. In the winter, when it becomes darker, brighter lights can be turned on without making the home un-cosy. And then smaller lights can be used in cosy times.

Rooms were designed with objects that have a particular story behind them. All based on our heart and personal feelings.

